Your business’s website is the bedrock upon which your marketing efforts are built. Customers can learn more about your company and interact with you as they research purchase options on your website. If your website isn’t up-to-date, well-optimized, and professionally designed, you may be missing out on opportunities to connect with your target audience and convert visitors into leads.
Luckily, optimizing your website to convert is as easy as keeping an eye on your website performance metrics and making tweaks as needed. Here are a few of the most important indicators to track while you work to improve your company’s website.
Count Of Page Views
Page views reveal how often a given page was visited during the specified period. Using this indicator, you may assess the popularity or usefulness of each page and replicate the successes across the rest of your site. You may, for instance, see which types of material do better on which websites, which is useful for optimizing your efforts. Promoting your website’s address (URL) through various mediums such as email, radio, social media, and online ads is all it takes to notice a rise in visitors and page views.
Duration Of Stay
Using the time on-site measure, you may see which aspects of your site are most popular with visitors. If visitors are spending a lot of time on a few pages, you should look into why that is. After you have optimized one page, you can apply the same principles to the rest of your site. For example, long-form content and high-quality videos have been shown to keep visitors on the page for longer, hence enhancing brand engagement.
Rate Of Rebounding
By looking at the “bounce rate” for each page on your site, you can see what percentage of visitors leave after reading only that one page. This indicator represents the percentage of visitors that land on your site but do not proceed to explore it further by clicking any of the available links. If you want your pages to run optimally, you should get this number down below 50%. That’s easily accomplished by giving each page what it needs to attract your ideal visitors and encourage them to explore further by clicking on the offered links.
Exit Pages
By inspecting “exit pages,” you can learn which of your site’s pages were the final stops for departing visitors. Exit pages tend to have a lot in common with pages that users never return to, such as being boring and difficult to navigate. The data gleaned from this analysis may be used to fine-tune the targeted web pages in a way that keeps visitors interested and compels them to take the next step, be it eBook download or purchase. Exit page optimization is as simple as including valuable material and strong calls to action (CTAs).
Rate Of Change
The conversion rate is sometimes referred to as “the holy grail” of online performance indicators because it simply reveals the percentage of site visitors who make a purchase. Conversion rates for both first-time and repeat visitors are important to analyze for insights on how to best connect with each group. You can then make your site user-friendly and provide helpful resources for all visitors, increasing the likelihood that they will make a purchase. You may compare the effectiveness of your ads before and after optimization by looking at their respective cost-per-conversion rates.
Improve Your Website’s Performance By Optimizing It
You can quickly optimize your website such that it supports your marketing efforts if you have access to crucial performance indicators. Google Analytics and other tools can be used to access these analytics.